This building complex entitled as “Maduwanwela Walavuwa” is located in Maduwanwela village that belongs to Kolonna Korale. One can reach the place by proceeding 22.5 km on Sooriyakanda road that starts at Ambilipitiya-Udagama junction in Ratnapura-Katharagama route or by proceeding about the same amount of distant to Ambilipitiya direction on Rakwana-Deniyaya route from Sooriyakanda junction. The entrance of the premises is located just beside Sooriyakanda-Ambilipitiya main route. This gateway is locally called as “Gal Uluwassa” (stone door-frame). The stone doorframe is splendidly blazoned with decorative works. The arch fixed above to conjugate two doorframes is implemented in engraved stones.


The image of the peacock mentioned in the poem cannot be seen today as it was stolen some time ago. The parapet which stretches from each sides of the entrance is constructed parallel to the main route by using smoothed stones. It is clearly visible that parapet is done using pillars which stood in equal gaps to strengthen the prakara. A décor of blooming lotus is created in the two pillars at each extremity.

The mansion is positioned afield about 400 m from the stone doorframe. In the past there was a line of beacons in each sides of this approach. The glass covers fixed on these beacons were lit up at night. Before entering the mansion yard another gateway must also be passed through. Two images of lions and two images of door-keepers are created in each side of the door.


The Bodhi-tree that was worshiped everyday by the inmates of this manor-house in days of yore can also be sighted nearby. The ruins of the fountain which was once beautified the yard can be seen in the center of the compound.


Maduwanwela manor house is not a building complex that has been done in the life-time of a single man. It owns some sections that have been constructed within the life span of at least four people. The mudalier named Vijayasundara Abhayakon Ekanayaka has resided in this terrain for the first time in 1700. Secondly, a person in the same generation who held the position of “Mohottala” has renovated the edifice. Third one is also a mudalier having the same name of the first. The octagonal bungalow locally called as “Mahabangalawa” was erected in his time. The manor house complex was reconstructed at last in the period of a royal official named J.W. Maduwanwela. The edifice with two stairs in the west, the court house in the east and the new image-house called “Aluthviharaya” were erected in his time. The mansion with two stairs has been named as “Burutha Maligawa”, due to the entire usage of satinwood in all the deeds that must be done in timber.


This chateau was internationally shined out in the era of Maduwanwela royal official called as “Ratemahaththaya”, particularly because he was a powerful and august demagogue like a King.


Almost half of this demesne has been destructed in the pace of time. Few of the dyed edifices are residences which have been used by thousands of servants in the chateau including tinsmiths, carpenters, mahouts and herdsmen, stables and the shades where elephants were trained and looked after. Although it is said that there were 21 amid courts in this building complex, only 7 out of them remain today. Hence the number of bereaved edifices is considerable.

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